

تنزيل وتحميل كتاِب DESIGN FOR MACHINING pdf برابط مباشر مجاناً


تنزيل وتحميل كتاِب DESIGN FOR MACHINING pdf برابط مباشر مجاناً


Machining is the manufacturing process by which parts can be produced to the desired dimensions and surface finish from a blank by gradual removal of the excess material in the form of chips with the help of a sharp cutting tool. Almost 90% of the all engineering components are subjected to some kind of machining during manufacture. It is very important to design those parts in such a way that would lead to the increase in efficiency of the machining process, enhancement of the tool life and reduction of the overall cost of machining. To achieve these targets, a brief knowledge of various machining processes is required. Fig 1 depicts a brief classification of various machining processes that are widely used in the manufacturing and fabrication industries of all kinds.

مؤلف: دكتور أسامة محمد المرضي سليمان خيال
قسم: التصميم Design
اللغة: الإنجليزية
الصفحات: 24
حجم الملف: 1.59 ميجا بايت
نوع الملف: PDF

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