

تحميل كتاِب 678152 رابط مباشر


تنزيل وتحميل كتاِب 678152 برابط مباشر مجاناً

وصف 678152

وداد صخري أستاذة جامعية و دكتورة في اللسانيات التطبيقية، و مهتمة بالكتابة و الشعر و الخواطر باللغتين العربية و الإنجليزية.Jarvie states that: “the word tense is from Latin tempus, ‘time’ and it is used to show the time when the action of a verb takes place” (Jarvie, 1993: 37). Moreover, Jarvie notes that tense is marked by inflation in English especially for past and present tenses. In addition to that, Palmer clarifies that: “English has two tenses only as exemplified by: helices / he liked, he takes / he took. These are most plausibly referred to as ‘present’ and ‘past’. Other verbal categories, the perfect, the progressive, etc. are achieved by the use of the auxiliaries BE and HAVE.” (Palmer, 1971: 193.). These two quotes imply that the English language embraces two basic tenses which are the present and the past. Yet, other English tenses are achieved through the combination of auxiliaries or modals plus the English main verb.

قسم: تعليم اللغة الانجليزية English
اللغة: الإنجليزية
الصفحات: 60

قراءة وتنزيل 678152 من موقع مكتبه إستفادة.

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